Thursday, December 8, 2016

Top Value Stocks For 2017

Top Value Stocks For 2017: Eagle Materials Inc(EXP)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By David Sterman]

    Of course, in many cyclical industries, it's impossible to maintain very strong growth rates when the economy slumps. And that was a lesson learned by Eagle Materials (NYSE: EXP(link is external)), a maker of drywall, cement and other materials used in homebuilding. Eagle experienced solid growth a decade ago, but when the housing market tanked, so did Eagle's revenue base. Sales fell by half from fiscal 2007 through fiscal 2011 (to around $460 million).

    Yet even before the pace of home construction returns to normal levels, Eagle is again experiencing solid growth: Sales are now growing at a 30% pace and are expected to surpass $1.1 billion in the current fiscal year, which began this month. That's 25% higher than the peak in fiscal 2007, and it's setting the stage for solid profit growth: Earnings per share (EPS) are growing at a 50% pace these days, a pace which could be sustained for an extended period if the housing market finally starts to grow at a solid clip. 

  • source from Top Stocks For 2015:

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